What is The Real Secrets to Life About?

This site is about The Real Secrets to Life and how to live your life by them. It is about simplifying your life and changing it for the better forever. It is about unlocking a new life of lasting happiness, peace, and fulfillment that no person or event in your life can ever take away from you.

The messages are very simple but powerful and life changing. I am not trying to impress anyone by using big words or conveying complicated thoughts. We live in a very complicated world that grows more so by the day. That is part of the problem. We need to uncomplicate the complicated. We need to simplify our lives. God does not mean life to be so difficult. We make it difficult by complicating it. God wants us to be happy, at peace, and fulfilled. We get in our own way.

As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and it is us.”

In living out our hectic lives today we have a tendency to overlook the obvious. We make things more complicated than they are or should be. Moreover, we have experts for every little facet of life. The experts may mean well but I think that they just help us complicate things so much so that the obvious becomes less obvious. We have a tendency to turn to experts for answers rather than looking to ourselves and to God. God, the only true expert on life, is always there ready to help us uncomplicate and simplify our lives.

I want to make you think and reflect about the real road to true, lasting happiness, peace, and fulfillment. That road leads to God. Whatever challenges you face on your life journey you can conquer. That’s because God is in you and nothing is impossible for God. You should greet every day with enthusiasm, eager to continue your journey. Once you open your life to God you want to get closer to him every day. Regardless of your circumstances, you can forge ahead if you have a clearer vision of where you are headed.

God doesn’t put any obstacles in our way—he clears them. We just have to trust him like any great football running back that knows he has to trust and follow his blockers. Follow God. He will help you get by any obstacles in your life.

There is a new you in you. Trust me. No, trust God.

I am going to challenge you to think and reflect. This will stimulate thoughts that will eventually lead to answers but only if you go with the flow. Go ahead and disagree with me. However, don’t just throw out what I say without giving it an honest try. Keep a positive outlook. Don’t let negative thinking and doubt cripple you by not trying this. Again, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Sometimes, people don’t like the truth. They don’t like simplicity. They hide in complexity. Complexity becomes their safe place but a false safe place—a desert—where they aimlessly wander keeping them from finding the Promised Land in their lives. Don’t be one of those people. Life is meant to be simple. Find your own Promised Land of happiness, peace, and fulfillment.