Who Am I?

I have found something in my life that has made me happier, more at peace, and fulfilled. That “something” is the The Real Secrets to Life — Listen, Read, Love, Fight, Believe, Live & Pray. I not only share these with you but also suggest how to apply them in your life.

God intends life to be so simple but we can’t help but complicate it. If you live your life by these seven simple words you can simplify the complicated. Storms may rock the boat on occasion but life will right itself if you stay the course.

God wants each one of us to serve. I am just trying to do my little part.

I am an ordinary person just like you. I am not an expert on life. I am a student like everyone else. As I said before, God is the only expert on life. I am not a pastor, priest, prophet, philosopher, or professional writer. Although successful in life — at least by standards most judge “success” — I lived fifty years with something missing. No, it wasn’t my marriage. My wife is my true soulmate, and my daughter is the apple of my life. You can call it a mid-life crisis if you want. For me, it was simply a hole in my life.

I found out the hard way what was missing. My life changed, and still is, and I simply want to share what I have found with others. The Real Secrets to Life should not be secrets.

I hope that you draw some inspiration from this site and my posts. Please share this with others. And, by all means, I would love to hear your thoughts. Students learn from students — and we “students on life” can use all the help we can get from others.

Thank you for visiting and blessings on your life journey!

Ted Okon