Spending Time in the Desert With Jesus

At once the Spirit sent him out into the wilderness, and he was in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan. Mark 1:12-13

Regardless of whether you acknowledge this season of Lent, it’s a good time to spend the next forty days in the desert with Jesus. What am I talking about? First, give into the Spirit and let yourself be led into the desert. That involves finding quiet time and space to reflect, pray, and meditate. Second, do this with Jesus at your side. That involves reflecting what Jesus taught us by his life after he left the desert and started his ministry. Don’t know where to find Jesus? He’s right by your side already. Just open up to him.

I’m going to use my time in the desert to reflect on my life, what I am doing right and what needs to be improved. Most of all, I am going to reflect on Jesus’ command to each of us to love. Am I letting God’s love flow through me to others? Where are the areas and situations where I am blocking that love from flowing? What are the demons in my life and how is their temptation holding me back from realizing my life calling? (As I have written just recently, God is calling each one of us.) These are the types of questions I am going to reflect on in the desert.

Honest reflection can be invigorating. In Jesus’ case, his forty days of introspection, and battling with the demons in his life, led him out of the desert and spring boarded his life’s calling.

Forty days of reflection—how can it hurt?   

Author: reallifesecrets

There are 7 Secrets to Life — LIVE, READ, LOVE, FIGHT, BELIEVE, LIVE & PRAY. Live you life by them and you will find lasting happiness, peace, and fulfillment. Life was meant to be so simple. We are the ones who complicate it. God wants us to enjoy life to the fullest!

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