Let Go? Let God?

I love the saying, “Let go, let God.” When I not only think about that little ditty, but also actually live by it, my life path is always clearer, straighter, and less cluttered.

If you truly BELIEVE in God, and his infinite power and wisdom, it makes all the sense to let go and let God lead the way. No, I don’t mean being a puppet on a string and thinking about God as the puppet master. I mean simply LISTENing to God and letting him point the direction you should be walking, not blazing your own life trail. So many try to do that without God leading and all they find are dead ends.

When you let go and let God lead the way the air is cleaner. It’s like a race car driver drafting the car in front. It’s so easy to do. Simply let go and let God lead. God made each one of us. We have the ability to do anything if we simply BELIEVE. Live that belief by letting go and letting God act in your life. Jesus is our role model of how to let go and let God lead.

Let go, let God. Try it. You’ll find your life happier, more at peace, and fulfilled.

Enjoy the day!

Author: reallifesecrets

There are 7 Secrets to Life — LIVE, READ, LOVE, FIGHT, BELIEVE, LIVE & PRAY. Live you life by them and you will find lasting happiness, peace, and fulfillment. Life was meant to be so simple. We are the ones who complicate it. God wants us to enjoy life to the fullest!

2 thoughts on “Let Go? Let God?”

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